Wendy Maartens featuring in Potch Book Club, The Go-To Guy

Wendy Maartens – Guardian of South African tales

A Treasure Trove of Stories

Wendy Maartens is more than a writer; she is a storyteller, a guardian of South African heritage. With a career that bridges the gap between the past and the present, Maartens has become a beacon of cultural preservation through her unique collection of folktales, legends, rhymes, and true stories. She draws her inspiration from the simplest things—words, the vast blue sea, and the rich basket of stories every person carries within them.


The Power of Place

For Maartens, inspiration is as close as the view from her window. She has a deep affection for Tafel Bay, the West Coast, and the Overberg region. These places, rich in stories from long ago, layer upon layer like a shell mound, provide endless material for her writing. Maartens’ work is a testament to her belief in the significance of one’s immediate surroundings in storytelling.


A Dream for Family Storytelling

At the heart of Wendy Maartens’ vision is a desire to see families reconnecting over their ancestral stories at the dinner table. She dreams of a storyteller in every town, sharing local tales in the town square each evening, and a society that values silence, allowing it to speak volumes and remind us of our shared humanity and stories.


From Teacher to Celebrated Author

Wendy Maartens’ journey as a writer began in 2005 while she was a foundation phase teacher. Two years later, she devoted herself full-time to writing and has since authored 52 children’s books, establishing herself as one of South Africa’s most successful children’s authors. Living on the West Coast with her cat and parrot, Maartens enjoys gardening, local delicacies, and the simple pleasure of walking barefoot, reflecting her love for nature and the simple things in life.


A Passion for Cultural Understanding

Maartens is driven by a passion to help children understand themselves, their world, and each other across cultural boundaries through the stories of their heritage. She stands out as the only youth book author in South Africa to deliver 16 collections of high-quality stories over the past 12 years. Her work not only preserves folktales, legends, and true stories but also empowers children to face daily challenges through these narratives.


An International Voice

Wendy Maartens considers herself a keeper of South African legends and folktales. Her work, translated into languages including English, Xhosa, Sotho, Venda, Zulu, and German, has become an invaluable treasure in the South African story landscape. As a regular radio speaker and magazine contributor, Maartens continues to share her stories and insights, bridging the gap between generations and cultures.


A Visionary’s Dream

Maartens’ ultimate dream is for storytelling to become a central part of family and community life once more, where the power of quiet can remind us that we are all part of a universal story. Through her books and public speaking, Wendy Maartens remains a pivotal figure in keeping the rich tapestry of South African folklore and legend alive for future generations.


Books Written by Wendy Maartens

Sankind Lees Die Wind

Psalms vir Kleingoed

Ek lees self Sigwoordboek


Written by Charlene Bekker in the Potch Book Club, for The Go-To Guy

Ek lees self Sigwoordboek

Wendy het die presiese resep, wat sy jare lank in haar klas gebruik het om sigwoorde mee vas te lê, neergeskryf. Dis maklik en sonder fieterjasies. Dit is spesiaal saamgestel om as ondersteuningsmateriaal vir die ouers by die huis en die onderwyser in die klas te dien.

Die boekie is ‘n samestelling van drie sigwoordboekies. Elke sigwoordboekie is gebaseer op ses boekies wat uit Wendy se Ek lees self-reeks kom.

Sigwoordboek 1: Skilpad leer vlieg, Plaasmuis en stadsmuis, Haas en skilpad hardloop resies, Wolf dra skaapklere, Olifant en seekoei trek tou, Jakkals en kraai en die stuk kaas

Sigwoordboek 2: Jakkals en Wolf vang vis, Jakkals en Wolf wil boer, Jakkals en Wolf wil trou, Jakkals en Wolf in boer se kraal, Jakkals en Wolf bou huis, Jakkals en Wolf en die klip

Sigwoordboek 3: Rooi hen bak brood, Die drie rammetjies rof, Padda word kwaad, Muis red leeu se lewe, Die gans wat goue eiers kon lê, Sprinkaan leer werk

Interessante feit: Die sigwoordboekie kan ook onafhanklik van die leesreeks gebruik word.

Lapa, 2022

Psalms vir Kleingoed

Rus jou kind met Psalms vir Kleingoed toe om al hul emosies teenoor God te kan uitstort.

Geliefde kinderboekskrywer Wendy Maartens het die mees gepaste psalms spesiaal vir kinders uitgesoek en gee hulle hier in kinders se eie taal weer.

Elke psalm of gedeelte van ‘n psalm is pragtig geïllustreer deur Zinelda McDonald.

Psalms vir kinders is ‘n aanwins op enige kind se boekrak en sal ‘n lewenslange liefde vir God se woord by jou kind kweek.

Illustreerder: Zinelda McDonald

Lux Verbi, 2023

Sankind Lees Die Wind

Ontdek die wonderlike wêreld van die Sanmense in hierdie asemrowende bundel kortverhale.

Wendy Maartens leer jou van die skerp wysheid wat skuil in die dans van die Kwagga en die fluister van die wind. Neem ‘n reis na ‘n tyd toe die diere nog kon praat en die mense ‘n besondere verhouding met die natuur gehad het. Dwaal saam met diere en mense in ‘n tyd waar elke ding ‘n betekenis het, en waar die verbintenis met die natuur die grootste skat is.

Hierdie stories is nie net oor die diere nie, maar oor die erfenis en kultuur van die Sanmense wat die hart van hierdie unieke boek vorm.

Kom ontdek die geheime van mitologie, volksverhale en die ou Sangeskiedenis.

Illustrasies: Dedré Fouquet

Lapa, 2024